As a community of Faith, we identify ourselves as Christ Centred, Mission Focused, Love Filled, and Spirit Guided. We are here if you desire a fulfilling life guided by spiritual principles and long for a safe, inclusive community in which to explore and grow your faith.

Join us on Sundays at 10:30 a.m., in person or livestreamed. Sunday School September through May. We are located on Treaty 4 Territory in Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada.

You are welcome here!

We are a proud Affirming Ministry

Affirming Statement

You deserve to be welcomed here.

We strive to insure there are no barriers to inclusion within the Lakeview community: all races, ethnicities, genders, orientations, gender identities, abilities, ages, and people of all socioeconomic status, are welcome.

It is imperative that we recognize the value of diversity and are committed to embracing each individual with joy, compassion and love.

At Lakeview we believe that our community, the ministries which they undertake and the assets which it owns are to be used by all to promote equality and love.

Lakeview is committed to seeking out all races, ethnicities, genders, orientations, gender identities, abilities, ages, and people of all socioeconomic status to serve in all levels of governance, committees. Your voice is important and welcomed.

This is our pledge, that we will do our best to welcome you here.

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